The Transformative Power of Volunteering: Empowering Communities and Changing Lives
In 1994, I acquired a 38-acre broken down dilapidated sheep farm. It would become a vision that had followed me around for several years prior. The vision was of a beautiful sanctuary in nature where the magical child within all can feel safe to be creative. Our mission was to provide a haven in nature for our guests to find what they are looking for.
Over the ensuing years, hundreds of thousands of dollars were poured into cleaning up, restoring, and building the retreat centre. Volunteers came to support the project, allowing us to stretch each dollar in ways unimaginable. The land and energy changed radically through the hundreds of people who contributed their love, skills, and strength.
Right away, Xenia aHracted volunteers to help us, and it always amazed me when they would come and work all day and phone to thank me the next day. Sharing this with my dad one day he couldn’t get his head around this concept. "You mean people come and sweat and work hard all day and then thank you? What? How? Why?" I would say, "Yes, Dad, that’s what happens here, andit happens all the Sme. People love to come, be of service, and be part of a creaSve community, and that’s what this place provides." I have noSced people love to volunteer, and they get so much out of it. It did cause me to ponder why people come and so willingly and generously give of their self and sometimes even their money.
This is what I think happens:
• It is for a higher purpose. Volunteering for a higher purpose not only benefits the individuals and communities we serve but also enriches our own lives and helps us find a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
• It is a way to be in service as a spiritual quest: Volunteering can be seen as a spiritual quest, a journey that transcends the boundaries of individual self and connects us to something greater than ourselves. It is an opportunity to explore our inner values, beliefs, and purpose, and align them with our actions in the world.
• It is fun and inspiring: volunteering can be both fun and inspiring. By engaging in activities that align with your interests, meeting like-minded individuals, learning new skills, participating in creative projects, celebrating success, and having fun along the way, you can find joy, inspiration, and fulfillment in your volunteering experiences.
• They became part of a co-creative community: Volunteering strengthens the bonds within communities. By working together towards a common goal, you can foster a sense of unity, cooperation, and social cohesion. This collective effort can address local challenges, improve community resilience, and create a more inclusive and supportive environment for everyone. Volunteering serves as a powerful example for others. By actively engaging in volunteer work, you can inspire and motivate those around you to get involved and make a difference. Your actions can create a ripple effect, encouraging more people to contribute their time, skills, and resources towards creating a better world.
• They can express themselves creatively: Many volunteer opportunities involve creative projects such as art workshops, community events, or storytelling. Participating in these activities can ignite your creativity and provide a platform for self-expression. It can be a source of inspiration as you witness the positive impact of your creativity on others.
• They love being in nature: Spending time in nature allows you to engage in physical activities such and gardening or cleaning up natural areas. These activities help improve your fitness levels, strengthen your muscles, and boost your overall physical well-being. Nature has a calming and rejuvenating effect on our minds.
• They resonate with the brand of service offered: A strong brand that reflects the organization's mission and identity can convey authenticity and credibility. Volunteers are more likely to trust and support an organization that has a clear and genuine brand presence.
• They love the fellowship of working together: Volunteering also offers a chance to connect with a diverse range of people and communities. It breaks down barriers and fosters understanding and unity among individuals from different backgrounds. This interconnection can deepen our sense of spirituality as we recognize the inherent oneness of all beings and work towards collective well-being.
• They love the reward of meals and snacks provided: Sharing a meal with fellow volunteers or community members can create a sense of camaraderie and foster deeper connections. It provides an opportunity to socialize, share stories, and build relationships with like-minded individuals.
• They enjoy the physical acSvity: Regular volunteering has been associated with a lower risk of developing chronic conditions, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Engaging in volunteer work can promote a healthier lifestyle and reduce the likelihood of sedentary behavior.
• They are making an impact: Every act of kindness, every hour spent volunteering, and every effort made to support a cause adds up to create positive change.
• They leave a legacy for future generaSons: Leaving a legacy as a volunteer is not about personal recognition or accolades. It's about making a positive and lasting impact on the organization, community, and individuals you serve.
One day, one of our major helpers, Dale, said regarding the volunteers, "You are very good at receiving, and I think this is why people want to help." Yes, that is very true. I am good at receiving, especially for Xenia. SomeSmes I think I am a receiving tower to help fund things like this project. It is rewarding to work for something you consider significant and be of service and offer your heart and your hard work without moSve or getting paid. I do believe in reciprocity, and it is very important to me. I make sure people are acknowledged and witnessed for their contribuSon as well as making sure they are fed and have a warm bed if they are staying over.
One day a friend said she wished she could get this kind of volunteer help at her place, and she couldn’t understand why I could, and she couldn’t. I said it wasn’t about me, and that was why. In other words, it wasn’t to me they were volunteering but to Xenia. Why would they volunteer and give so generously? Because they bought into the bigger vision and were allowed to enjoy the benefits of their labour.
In summary, people love to volunteer because it allows them to contribute to causes, they care about, connect with communiSes, and make a difference. I think more neighbourhoods and communiSes should set up volunteer support and rotate turns. Many hands make the light work.
Thank you to all the thousands of volunteers that have supported us here at Xenia over the last 30 years.